Changing the way we look at irrigation.

David Shoemaker is the owner of Wireless Irrigation Technologies in Athens, GA.
Wireless Irrigation Technologies was founded in 2013 in Athens, GA because of the need for reliable and efficient wireless technologies. Nelson Irrigation approached Wireless Irrigation Technologies about implementing new wireless technology on a current project. The new wireless technology helped solved issues with lightning striking irrigation equipment. Our customers are extremely pleased with the reliability of wireless technology.
Wireless Irrigation Technologies’ goal is to distribute wireless irrigation products and educate customers on the benefits of this technology. Wireless irrigation allows you to manage your system with:
- Remote access
- Smart Phone Control
- Monitor Weekly Water Data
- Find Control Valves with GPS Location
Wireless Irrigation Technologies is an exclusive provider of wireless irrigation systems such as the Nelson TWIG wireless control system and Nelson TD200 controller. Our products are used to handle coal dust suppression, animal waste removal, and center pivot irrigation. In the past agriculture irrigation has been a manually operated industry. Our wireless systems and controls offer reliable and improved efficiency in irrigation.
Contact Wireless Irrigation Technologies if you are looking to have an efficient wireless system to irrigate your crops. Wireless Irrigation Technologies provides Nelson wireless equipment for Georgia and surrounding states like Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Mississippi.